Thursday, April 14, 2011

I look upon the winter’s night, my ice tipped nose is contrasted to the infinity of the night-sky, my breath is wisping across the crisp air like viscous spider-webs. In that moment I felt as if I was waiting for death, tightly holding onto the infinity of an instant. My heart was pulsating, my lungs were falling with each swirl of air…. and then the darkness swelled over a drowned me under its nothingness..
The precise details of my life have diffused away and now only relics of memories remain. The fragments of discordant memories whimsically dance through my mind. I cannot recount the money I earned nor even my career, rather it is reflections of belonging, love, loss and friendship that remain in the reflections between light and sleep… 

I flicker into silence, blackness, nothing.  

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